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Office Reopening

It has been a very difficult couple of months for all of us, with still some uncertainty ahead.   

After much though and consideration, I have decided to do a soft reopening on May 18, 2020.  The week of May 18-22 will be seeing emergencies and focusing on the elderly.  New policies and procedures will be implemented in order to continue to provide high quality health care in a safe environment.  Please be patient as changes may occur as we learn how to navigate this new world.    Our office operating procedures will be changing to accommodate this “new norm” and keep everyone safe. 


Moving forward, we will be treating 2-4 patient’s per hour booked in 15-30 minute intervals.   The majority of booking will be on-line in which patient’s will log on and schedule their own appointments.  We kindly ask you give a 24 hour cancellation in order to be courteous of other patient’s that may want that appointment. 


Please See Our New Guidelines / Steps We Have Taken:


  • New Patient paperwork is available on our website.  All new patient’s will be asked fill out paperwork prior to their appointment in order to limit time in the waiting room

  • Only scheduled appointments will be seen (no walk ins).

  • If you are late for your appointment, your session will be limited to the amount of time allotted.

  • If you rely on someone else for a ride, they are asked to wait in the car. Please try to come alone whenever possible to limit the number of people in the office.

  • We will have a “sanitation station” when you first enter the office.  We ask that you immediately sanitize your hands  prior to signing in. 

  • As required by law, face-coverings by patients and staff must be worn at all times. Please have your face-covering on prior to entering the office.

  • Special hours for seniors:

  • Re-booking appointments will happen online or at the front desk upon checkout- there will be no paper appointment cards.

  • Payments can be made via credit card on Square and a sanitized stylus pens will be available to sign. 

  • We will be removing our water stations and will not be able to offer you a beverage. We have also removed all magazines.

  • We ask that you please don’t bring an excess of items. If you can limit it to your keys, wallet, and cell phone, this is advised.

  • We will miss giving you a hug, handshake, or high five, but we’re sure you understand why we cannot at this time.

  • We will be adjusting to wearing masks. Please understand that this is a big adjustment for us all and we may not be our usual, chatty selves. 



**If you have been sick with a fever or cough, if you have traveled, If you are not feeling well, have shortness of breath, sore throat, fatigue or chills, or if you or someone you have been sheltering in place with has been diagnosed with COVID-19 any time in the past 14 days, we ask that you please reschedule your appointment.**


Rest assured that our office will continue to take every precaution recommended by the CDC to keep our patients and staff safe. This includes continuously disinfecting each treatment room and the entire office between every patient, the installation of plexiglass barriers, sanitizing stations, additional face-coverings, special senior hours; removal of chairs in the waiting room and limiting the number of patients in the office at any given time.


We simply cannot thank our patient’s and the entire community enough over the past two months for your patience and understanding during these difficult times.  I have received multiple phone calls, emails, messages on Facebook and words of encouragement that have been so uplifting.  I miss all of your faces and can’t wait to see you all again soon. 


Always Smile and Be Kind,


Dr. Messinger

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