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Following an extensive evaluation including a thorough history, orthopedic and neurological examination, Dr. Messinger and Dr. Provenzano will implement a personalized treatment plan to fit your individual needs and goals in an attempt to regain your maximum functional ability and independence. Both doctors may use a combination of manual therapy skills, physical therapy modalities and exercises including range of motion, strengthening, stabilization, conditioning and balancing activities during the course of your care. Please notify doctors and staff of any significant medical history including cancer, infection, pace maker, and or pregnancy since some of these treatments may be contraindicated.
MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDENTS/WORK RELATED INJURIESMinor to more severe motor vehicle accidents may cause whiplash injuries. This trauma may lead to micro tearing of the soft tissue structures within the neck and back thus resulting in pain and inflammation as well as muscle spasm, disc herniation, headaches, dizziness as well as blunt trauma to other structures within the vehicle.
SPORTS INJURIESInjuries ranging from, weekend warriors who simply overexerted themselves to high level competitive athletes.
HEADACHESTension Headaches - Tension-type headache is the most common type of primary headache and is widely prevalent in the general population. It ranges from mild to fairly disabling, with significant socioeconomic impact. Cervicogenic headache is referred pain (pain perceived as occurring in a part of the body other than its true source) perceived in the head from a source in the neck. Headaches arising from Trigger Points which is pain referred to the head by “knots” within nearby muscles. Postural related dysfunction may cause headaches that result from poor posture such as a forward head position and rounded shoulders. Headaches may also if you have TMJ pain.
NECK PAINMuscle spasms, Arthritis, Bulging/Herniated discs, pinched nerves, Stenosis, Whiplash, Joint dysfunction, Post-surgical procedures such as discectomy/fusion.
SHOULDER PAINBursitis, Arthritis, Tendonitis, Over use syndrome, Rotator cuff strains, Instability, Rotator cuff tears, Impingement syndrome, Adhesive Capsulitis/frozen shoulder, Labral tears, Status post dislocation/separation, Fracture/ORIF, Acromioplasty and Total shoulder replacement.
BACK PAINMuscle spasms, Arthritis, Bulging/herniated discs, Pinched nerves, Stenosis, Sciatica, Whiplash, Scoliosis, Post-surgical procedures (discectomy/fusion/laminectomy), Rib sprain/strain, Spondylolysis, Joint dysfunction, Sacroiliac dysfunction.
HIP/LEG PAINSprain/Strain, Bursitis, Arthritis, Labral tears, Iliotibial band syndrome, Contusions, Status post fracture/ORIF, Total Hip Replacement.
KNEE PAINSprain/Strain, MCL, LCL, ACL, PCL injury, Meniscus tear, Patella femoral syndrome/ Chondromalacia Patella, Patella instability, Arthritis, Arthroscopic surgery and Total Knee Replacement.
ANKLE-FOOT PAINSprain/Strain, Arthritis, Tendonitis (Achilles, Tibialis posterior), Plantar fascitis, Heel spurs, Fracture/ORIF.
POOR BALANCEIs resulting from or as a result of; Neuropathy, De-conditioning, Lower extremity weakness.
POOR POSTUREProlonged sustained positions while sitting at work with poor ergonomics may be the source of many musculoskeletal pains and overuse syndromes.
TMJ (TEMPORAL MANDIBULAR JOINT DYSFUNCTION)TMJ dysfunction is resulting from arthritis, faulty posture/forward head position.
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